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TL: Mobile Concierge

4.6 ( 4416 ratings )

Mobile Concierge can help your guests book a room in your hotel within minutes. The app shows current prices, descriptions and photos of the rooms. Via Mobile Concierge the hotel can also send notices about discounts and events straight to its guests’’ phone numbers.

Online reservations
To reserve a room with Mobile Concierge, one only needs to pick his phone. No need to search for the hotel’s website or go to online booking portals. A reservation takes not more than 3 minutes.

Share important news and special offers with your guests. The hotel can send messages to users’ phones through the personal account feature of Mobile Concierge. Any user who has the app installed will see the message on his iPhone.

Management of reservations
No need to call the hotel to cancel a reservation. This can be done in Mobile Concierge. The guest will find all details of his reservation in the app.

Mobile Concierge exists in Russian and English versions. Both the Russians and foreigners will find it easy to use it.

User statistics
Mobile concierge counts how many times the app is installed, how many users enter it, which sections of the app they visit most, etc. This statistics is available in Google Analytics.

This version of Mobile Concierge is set for a trial hotel. Install it to learn the great features of the app.
Would you like to have a customized version of Mobile Concierge for your hotel?

TravelLine can make a branded version of the app for you, free of charge, and upload it to App Store. You will then be able to share it to all your guests.